How can nutritional therapy help me?

Nutritional therapy uses a holistic approach to health. We identify underlying causes of symptoms in the body, and correct the imbalance through diet and lifestyle changes. We use whole food nutrition, herbs, and homeopathics to assist in your body’s natural healing process.

The truth is, symptoms are the last thing to appear, which means whatever your concern is, it has been building for most likely, years. Nutritional therapy is about finding the root cause of the symptoms and restoring balance in the body to create long-term health.

Nutritional therapy can help any situation because our bodies were designed to be healed with food! When you give the proper building materials to your body, it will start to heal on its own.

I have (diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, etc). What conditions do you treat?

I do not treat conditions. However, I do provide care to people who have conditions. I support your body’s nutritional needs, offering it a chance to effectively care for itself.

What does the process look like?

Prior to our initial consultation, you will fill out a health history form, nutritional questionnaire, and a 5 day food journal (including a weekend).

At our first session we will discuss in detail, your health concerns.

Once I feel that I have sufficient information, I will come up with a dietary supportive plan to help you rebalance your health towards your goals.

This typically begins with some sort of gut reconditioning program, or digestive support. We have a very thorough, systematic way of evaluating your needs. We work through the “layers” of your body’s priorities. This ensures optimal healing throughout the body.

We do not get to see the entire picture in one day. The body is like an onion, where we peel away one layer at a time. We work through each system in the body, addressing every issue that arises.

When starting nutritional therapy, you can expect to be working consistently, and diligently for at least 6 months (depending on your goals, complexity of issues and how long your body has been out of balance).

Nutritional therapy is not a quick fix. The process takes time and effort, but the rewards are tremendous.

Why do I need to do a food journal?

The food journal is an extremely important piece in the healing process. This helps us identify unhealthy foods, foods that could be an issue for you, unhealthy eating patterns, and many other important factors regarding your health.

Yes, I know, this is one of the least favorite things about the process for most people. However, I cannot stress the importance of this.  We are what we eat and digest – to understand how that affects the body we need a window into that area through a food journal.

Why do I have to start with a digestive protocol if I am not experiencing symptoms in that area?

All health and disease begins in the gut! For nutritional therapy to be most effective, we need to first make sure that you can absorb all your nutrients. I have not worked with one person yet that did not have some level of digestive issues, whether they were aware of it or not.

If you are not able to digest and absorb nutrients, this causes a whole list of other issues! Undigested food particles, whether it was a healthy food to begin with or not, will be toxic substances to the body. This can lead to intestinal permeability, food allergies, dysbiosis (overgrowth of yeast, bacteria, viruses, and parasites), and autoimmune conditions.

To best restore balanced health in the body, gut health is absolutely the number one priority.

How are the supplements you recommend different from what I can buy at the store?

I get this question a lot! The short answer is, there is a huge difference in quality!

Most supplements you buy from the drug store (and even health food stores) contain synthetics. They are derived from coal tar, which is a known carcinogen, and contains over 10,000 chemicals! Sounds healing right? Creating synthetic vitamins are much more cost effective for these companies. They are able to produce mass amounts, for much less expense, resulting in big money for them.

Your body does not recognize any of these supplements as nourishing or healing. it doesn’t know what to do with them, and it only creates more work and toxins for your body.

I only use whole food supplements.  Whole food supplements are a complex formula that include plant and animal extracts. Using concentrated forms of foods like Brussels sprouts, kale, and alfalfa have an extremely therapeutic effect on the body. By providing the body with proper nutrition, you are allowing the body an opportunity to health on its own.

Why do I even need supplements?

The sad truth is, it is simply impossible to get all our nutritional needs from food anymore. The soil is so severely depleted, to get the iron that was available in one cup of spinach in 1945, you would have to consume 65 cups today!

Unfortunately, unless we actively participate in correcting our nutritional deficiencies, we would all suffer from malnutrition. Our bodies are literally starving and why disease is so rampant.

What do I have to do to get better?

Each person, and their healing journey is unique. No two people will be exactly the same. However, there are some factors that are the same for everyone.

Learning what a truly healthy diet looks like is a must, as well as identifying and eliminating food sensitivities. Ensuring you are properly digesting, managing blood sugar fluctuations, supporting endocrine function and adrenal health, maintaining proper mineral and fatty acid balance, as well as ridding your body of toxins are all vital for good health.

In addition to the physical aspects; addressing stress, sleep hygiene, emotional concerns and spiritual needs are all an extremely important part of your healing journey.

How long will it take?

As I mentioned above, you should be prepared to commit to at least 3-6 months of intense healing. The real answer is, it takes years to rebuild the body. So when someone asks me, “How long do I need to see you?”, My answer is, “until we’ve established health that feels good moving forward without me.”

No, you will not need to see me every week for the rest of your life! What I mean by this is, once you have reached more of a maintenance level in your process, it is important to maintain a somewhat regular schedule, even if that means you’re only coming in a few times a year.

See “When will I feel Better?” below, for more information.

How often do I need an appointment?

This varies based on your specific needs. Our goal is to get you at a maintenance level where you would be coming in every 1 to 3 months.

How do you evaluate my progress?

Throughout your process, we will perform several functional evaluations, nutritional assessments, as well as review any previous lab work you’ve had done. We have options for additional lab work including blood tests and saliva testing.

When will I feel better?

Most clients report feeling better within a matter of days. The important thing to remember is that even though you are feeling better, it doesn’t mean you can stop your protocol! Healing takes time. It takes months (sometimes years) to restore balance to certain areas in the body.

The other important thing to remember is this; the harder you work at home, the faster your healing will be.

The better your diet, the more effective nutritional therapy will be. The happier you are, the more joy and gratitude you show, the faster your body will heal. Reducing, or preferably eliminating all toxic exposures as much as possible will also significantly decrease your recovery time.

As you can see, all of the suggestions are up to you. How much work are you willing to put into it?

Ultimately your health is your responsibility. I am here to support and guide you, but the real work comes from you.

How much will it cost?  Do you take insurance?

When seeking out natural healing, you must look at it as an investment in your future. We invest in our cars, and our homes, why not our bodies? After all, we live inside our body for our entire life! Not only that, but the better care we take of ourselves, the greater impact we have on the health of our children and grandchildren.

I do not take insurance, bill insurance or with insurance companies.  My work is a health investment.  I have payment plans to help divide up the financial investment.

Some clients may be able to use FSA/HSA cards but it is their responsibility to check with their provider prior to using these accounts.

All prices are listed on the Work with Me page.


Please keep in mind, every person is different, with their own unique set of goals and challenges. My intention is to give you the best possible care and most effective protocol, for the least amount of expense to you.

You are rebuilding your body from the inside out. You are addressing your health concerns from a cellular level. We do not put band-aids on, or mask symptoms. We find the root cause, and help your body correct the imbalance, resulting in a well-functioning body.

Not sure what package is right or you?  

Set up a free discovery call and talk with Andrea to determine what would be best for you.