3 Easy Ways to Improve Gut Health

3 Ways to Improve Gut Health // andreadahlman.com

Having gut health issues can be contributed to a number of different things. Your gut health can also contribute to several problems in your overall health as well. If you have been having gut issues, as well as related health issues, then you may be wondering how you can easily improve your overall gut health. Here are a few of the easiest ways you can improve your gut and help with your overall daily body health.

Change Your Diet

You don’t have to make drastic changes to your diet. There is a misconception that the diet is what caused the issues. The truth is your diet didn’t cause these issues. Your diet can, however, help the issues. Try to add more fiber to your diet and try to incorporate more leafy greens and other colorful vegetables. By adding in fiber, you can help feed healthy bacteria in your colon. This healthy bacteria is important to your overall health influencing your immune health, your vibrancy, and contributes to glowing skin. So, consider that when making changes to your diet overall.

Drink More Water

The truth is simply drinking more water can help. It won’t cure the gut health issues but water offers several benefits. It can help with the breakdown of the food you are eating, which makes it easier to digest and easier to move out of your system. It makes absorption of minerals and supplements easier by allowing your system to be hydrated and ready to absorb nutrients. It also helps you stay hydrated, which can help with overall health. That being said, remember this is pure water. This is not water that has been added to a drink, like coffee or tea.

Add Probiotics

Sometimes, your system needs a little boost to help things along. Though you can do this with foods and water, you may need more than that. Even supplements may not do what you need. One thing that will help your digestion and gut health, especially with leaky gut, is adding probiotics. The number of strains and type are important to consider. Choose a probiotic with Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains as these two main bacteria families make up the majority of your good bacteria in your GI tract.

There are other ways to improve your gut health, but these are the most common and easiest to put into effect into your life. By putting these three ways into action, you can see a quick improvement in your gut health and an ongoing improvement in your overall wellness.

Need more support for your gut health? Book a free 20-minute discovery call to learn about what can be done to improve and balance your gut health.