The Keto Diet – It’s NOT for EVERYONE

I was recently asked what I thought about the Keto diet.  It seems that EVERYONE is doing it and seeing the most fantastic results.  Is it right for you?

What is the Keto diet?

The short answer it’s high fat, low carbohydrate and moderate protein diet.

There are many benefits to the keto diet (initially).  People report weight loss, clearer thinking, and more energy. It has been shown to help with epilepsy, type 2 diabetes, and in some cancer treatments.

Keto does get some amazing results for those who take it on. Why? Well you are going to have to give up the alcohol, processed foods, sugar, and refined carbs of any kind (chips, cereal, bread). What’s left? Real whole foods. Most people who give up all these things without the Keto diet will see results in weight loss.

What I like about Keto diet?

  • People see results quickly so they are more compliant to stick with it
  • People feel satiated since it is high fat which eliminates “hunger pangs”
  • In certain conditions, it can have a therapeutic effect


Two things I don’t like about Keto diet:

High fat and low carb limits the amounts of nutrients you are going to get.

While bread, pasta and rice are carbs, so are vegetables. Carbs include all vegetables and veggies are a primary source of vitamins and minerals along with antioxidants in our diets. Yes your body can run on ketones (which is what happens during a keto diet) but you all need vitamins and minerals to keep the body running smoothly.

Now before the Keto people throw rocks at me. You do get to eat vegetable on the keto diet but it is still more restrictive than other diets and that is the point I am trying to make.

Can’t I just take a multivitamin and call it good – uh…no.  Your multi vitamin is designed to provide you the bare minimum required by the body. And MOST of you are taking garbage supplements anyway because you think that Costco vitamins are ok (which is another topic all together).

High fat and low carb limits your fiber intake.

So, what’s the big deal with that? Your good gut bacteria is fed by the carbs you eat. You want to feed the good bacteria because if you don’t you can leave space for bad bacteria to grow. Imbalanced flora (gut bacteria) is something I see daily in my practice and it is no short effort to rebalance it.  Your microbiome determines your health; you want it balanced and healthy.


Is the Keto diet right for you?

The keto diet is a therapeutic diet and should be used like one. Therapeutic diets are short term solutions to start the body in making changes. I do not feel that Keto is a good long term choice for most people unless they are suffering from one of the fore mentioned conditions.

If you DO decide to take on the Keto diet I would urge you to keep a close eye on your blood labs. Especially the women, as there is some compelling information that says that Keto is not great for us long term (hormonally and inflammation).

Not everyone sees amazing results on the Keto diet and I only recommend it to clients for 6 months (usually as a therapeutic diet) max.

Do you need a diet change, wonder if Keto is the right direction?  Let’s set up a free discovery call.   CLICK HERE to pick a time that works for you.